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The Bath & Brush -

About this service

The Bath & Brush - This is our most basic package. It is simply a bath & brush. HOWEVER it is SOOOO much more than just as simple as its title. Usually, a grooming salon will provide to your pup a very basic and generic shampoo and conditioner during their visit. NOT WITH US though. NOT EVER. We will only and always provide the best of the best shampoos and conditioners during their visit with us. EVERYTIME. We literally have 30+ different solutions at any given point. It is all we carry and all we will ever provide. AT NO EXTRA COST - on every package. EVERYTIME.

All of these have specific purposes. Whether you're dealing with a skunk'd pup, dry itchy skin, severe dander or dandruff, perhaps they get sunburnt from time to time.... so on and so on. We can cater your pups bath to a as needed per visit option to choose whatever solution would be best for them given that point in time. They are all natural, some are medicated, some are hypoallergenic, and some are scentless. Literally, we can cater to every scenario.

Based on weight categories - this option is dependant on two things. Dogs weight and Coat Length
Small Short Coat 1-20 lbs $42
Small Long Coat 1-20 lbs $44
Medium Short Coat 21-40 lbs $44
Medium Long Coat 21-40 lbs $48
Large Short Coat 41-80 lbs $55
Large Long Coat 41-80 lbs $62
XL Short Coat 81-120 lbs $65
XL Long Coat 81-120 lbs $74
XXL Short Coat 121+ lbs $70
XXL Long Coat 121+ lbs $85

This package includes -
* Nail Trimming / Filing
* Teeth Cleaning with all natural enzymatic long lasting spray
* Ear Cleaning using all natural ear / bacteria spray
* Bath and Brush - Using our TOP SHELF Products at no additional upcharge
* Blowout is included in the bath - this is fully dependant on your dogs temperament to using this

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